Best Book I Have Not Read

Writing, Reading, Teaching, Life, Attempting to Balance it All

What I’m Reading December 16, 2008

Filed under: books — bestbookihavenotread @ 6:45 pm
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If I could figure out how to make reading full-time job, it would be really tempting.  I am kind of a compulsive (or maybe neurotic) reader and must have a book(s) with me. I carry one with me at all times in my bag, have another in the car in case I get stuck in really bad traffic or have to wait for someone, listen to one on CD on my way to and from work, have one next to the couch where I will sit to relax if I have the chance in the evenings, one next to my bed, and probably a few others, not counting professional journals or magazines.  Currently I am somewhere in the middle of reading:

In car-The Uglies by Scot Westerfeld (gets least reading amount)

CD-100 Cupboards by  N. D. Wilson (depends of day/week how much gets listened to)

bag-Talking, Drawing, Writing by Horn & Giacobbe (gets most reading minutes)

couch-Synchronizing Success by Maren Koepf (making my way through steadily in 10 minute chunks)

bed-Mr. Pip by Lloyd James (keep falling asleep after a couple pages)

It doesn’t bother me to jump around from book to book and in terms of professional reading, it keeps me motivated to get through them, knowing that I don’t have a deadline and can read as I have time.  The stack of next reads from NCTE is almost a little too big and I keep looking through it, but not starting a new one. Maybe this weekend, but only if I decide not to bake any Christmas cookies this year.


One Response to “What I’m Reading”

  1. eBookGuru Says:

    I tend to be a compulsive reader too. Fortuneately I have my Blackberry and MobiPocket eBooks, so I don’t have to lug a bunch of books around with me 🙂


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